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I am a member of a team I rely on the TEAM, I defer to it and sacrifice for it, because the TEAM, not the individual is the ultimate champion. Pasadena Basketball

Schedule for ALL Teams

Our motto is that we believe in the 4 C's - Character, Class, Commitment, and Courage. 


Head Coach:  Larry D. Butler
Assistants: David Gough
Jonathan Rojas
Kevin West

2021 - PRESENT Larry D. Butler
2015 - 2021         JON PILLOW                        9-22
2014 - 2015      BRIAN COURTNEY             12-20
2010 - 2013    ADRIAN CASTRO                20-114
2005 - 2009 MARK PETERSON               35-116
2001 - 2004 JEFF WYLIE                           46-81
1994 - 2000  DAVE WARD                         65-150
1984 - 1993    PHIL EATON                         192-105 (missing 1991)
1976 - 1983 BOBBY BUTLER                   127-129
1975            RICK SHERLEY                     32-4 
1973 - 1974   RONNIE ARROW                  4-12 (incomplete)
1971 - 1972  VERNON SMITH                   17-35
1969 - 1970  BOBBY McKINLEY               21-22 (incomplete)
1966 - 1968 GENE McCARLEY                 15-7  (incomplete)  
1961 - 1965  HUGH McGAUGH                 79-24 (incomplete)
1960   No coach listed
1950 - 1959 CARTER LOMAX                    77-64 (incomplete)
1947 - 1949  MARVIN JONES                     15-9 (incomplete)
1945 - 194 NED THOMPSON                  32-2 (incomplete)
1942 - 1944  No coach listed
1939 - 1941 CP WALL                                 No records listed

Prior to 1939 no records or coaching history are found